We believe that children learn and develop through play. In keeping with this, we offer a broad range of activities within our setting including;

  • small world play
  • role play
  • sand and water play
  • small and large construction
  • mark-making
  • puzzles
  • games
  • large physical equipment (such as bikes, rockers, slides, stilts, balance beams, etc)
  • open ended resources for imaginative play (boxes, crates, fabric, tubes, etc)
  • malleable materials
  • creative and craft materials

In addition, we offer short focused activities throughout the day which are adult-led: Circle Time, Storytime and Singing.


Welcome children that attend wrap around care and enjoy breakfast.

9.00-9.15 / 12.30-12.45

We welcome all children at the start of the session.

9.15-11.30 / 12.45 -3.00

Indoors and outdoors with access to a range of fun and educational activities. Key workers will work with children using individual planning and observations.


Snack- we offer a range of healthy snacks including fruit and vegetables.

11.30-11.45 / 3.00 – 3.15

Children are encouraged to help tidy the toys away with support from staff

11.45-11.55 / 3.15 – 3.25

Circle time- This can include singing, stories and group games.


Lunch- Children will need to bring in a packed lunch in a labelled box/bag.

11.55-12.00 / 3.25 – 3.30

Children put on coats, collect belongings and are handed pictures or letters to take home. We reflect on what the children have enjoyed doing and sing our goodbye song.


Children that attend wrap around enjoy a light tea and free play.