Broadbottom Pre-School is a registered charity managed by a committee of parent volunteers.  The overall operation of Pre-School depends on the input and generosity of all parents and money raised is used for play materials and equipment, premise enhancements and staffing. As a charity we do not make a surplus each year but need to ensure all costs are covered. This can be quite a balancing act on a year-by-year basis and we need your help to accomplish this and meet costs.

We are currently fundraising for new grass in the front playground and for the outdoor area at the back of the Pre-School to be updated with better outdoor play facilities for the children.

Throughout the year we arrange a number of fundraising activities, with this years including:

  • Face painting and a lucky dip at Lymefield Winter Fair
  • Pre-School Nativity and Christmas Fair
  • Wreath Making Workshops
  • PJ day
  • Readathon
  • Virtual Balloon Race
  • Spring Film Night

For those that want to support the Pre-School from the comfort of their own home without a tray bake or raffle in sight, there are also a couple of other ways you can make contributions:

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  • We have an opportunity to receive cash donations from popular online retailers. We’ve registered Broadbottom Pre-School as a Good Cause on Now, whenever you shop on sites such as Amazon, John Lewis, Ebay, or Argos, those retailers will donate a small percentage of what you spend to Pre-School at no extra cost to you!

Simply sign up for free at – it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! All you have to do is:

  1. Go to
  2. Sign up for free 
  3. Get shopping – your donations will be collected by easyfundraising and automatically sent to Broadbottom Pre-School . It couldn’t be easier!

There are no catches or hidden charges and we will be really grateful for your donations

If you would like to get more involved with fundraising for Pre-School, whether you want to help out at an event or would like to join the fundraising group, we would love to hear from you!

If you have any queries regarding fundraising please email