Term Dates 2023/2024

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Pre-School term dates generally correspond with Tameside, click here to check term dates in Tameside   Please note, there may be some differences due to inset days.

Autumn 1st Half Term4/9/2320/10/23
Autumn Half Term Holiday23/10/2327/10/23
Autumn 2nd Half Term30/10/2315/12/23
Christmas Holiday18/12/234/1/24
Spring 1st Half Term5/1/249/2/24
Spring Half Term Holiday 12/2/2416/2/24
Spring 2nd Half Term19/2/2428/3/24
Easter Holiday29/3/2412/4/24
Summer 1st Half Term15/4/2424/5/24
Summer Half Term Holiday27/5/247/6/24
Summer 2nd Half Term10/6/2419/7/24

Pre-School will also be closed on Monday May 6th for the early May bank holiday. If you have any queries regarding any upcoming dates please email managerbroadbottomps@gmail.com

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